Greg Dines – System Software Specialist, Contractor State Licensing Board

Greg Dines – System Software Specialist, Contractor State Licensing Board 600 600 Shandam Consulting

The most impressive thing about Shandam is their intuition on hiring engineers and staff. I haven’t been disappointed with the people who’ve come out to do work for us. Their knowledge has helped us through many difficult projects—things that are just a little over our head. They are also good about knowledge transfer. They help us get through the process so we can be self-supportive.

They are also very receptive to feedback. We had a new hire of theirs a few years ago, an engineer who had great technical skill—he could work all day in a wiring closet—but needed a little guidance in interfacing with clients. I mentioned this to Shandam leadership and instead of tearing the guy’s head off or ignoring the situation, they talked, and the engineer came back transformed. Now that engineer is one of our favorite people to work with.