
Detailed Strategy and Strong Teamwork Surmount Unusual Challenges to Design Successful Network Upgrade by California Department of State Hospitals
Detailed Strategy and Strong Teamwork Surmount Unusual Challenges to Design Successful Network Upgrade by California Department of State Hospitals 150 150 Shandam Consulting

The California Department of State Hospitals is the nation’s largest inpatient forensic mental health hospital system, employing approximately 12,000 staff and serving, according to 2015 data, more than that many…

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Ransomware Risks and Impacts for School Districts
Ransomware Risks and Impacts for School Districts 150 150 Shandam Consulting

Ransomware is a form of malicious software designed to encrypt important files on a computer, rendering them unavailable to the people to whom they are important and/or rendering the systems…

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Bob Stoddard – IT Infrastructure Services Manager, CA State Lands Commission
Bob Stoddard – IT Infrastructure Services Manager, CA State Lands Commission 600 600 Shandam Consulting

We were understaffed. We needed the expertise and manpower of a shop like Shandam for wholesale cleanup and a path to better practices. Shandam did a wonderful job engineering it.…

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Rita Gass – Former CIO, California Conservation Corp
Rita Gass – Former CIO, California Conservation Corp 600 600 Shandam Consulting

I’ve worked with Shandam for over 12 years now at different capacities. When I was a tech, they were great at educating me about their process. Working with them as…

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Greg Dines – System Software Specialist, Contractor State Licensing Board
Greg Dines – System Software Specialist, Contractor State Licensing Board 600 600 Shandam Consulting

The most impressive thing about Shandam is their intuition on hiring engineers and staff. I haven’t been disappointed with the people who’ve come out to do work for us. Their…

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Dale Bosley – Former CIO, California Energy Commission
Dale Bosley – Former CIO, California Energy Commission 600 600 Shandam Consulting

The project management support provided by Shandam has consistently met or exceeded our user requirements. Projects have been implemented within budget and time constraints. This has resulted in dramatic improvements…

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